Organisation of group teambuilding and health retreats in phase with your companies specific needs
Create happiness in your workplace!

Happy Sport & Detox has a dedicated offer for companies wishing to encourage their employees to practice sport and to recharge their batteries.

Organization of corporate health retreats  according to your specific needs

Do you want to organize a health retreat, a seminar or a teambuilding event for your employees?

Entrust us with your project, we will fulfill your wishes and create the alchemy of a successful event.

A happy employee works better!

Unhappiness at work has a cost, measurable in terms of absenteeism - 16.6 days per year on average in France, according to the latest Ayming-TNS Sofres study.

A study carried out at Harvard University states that each dollar invested in staff health and well-being brings a return of $3 for the company.

Happiness at work is a source of economic performance - happy employees are half as sick, six times less absent, nine times more loyal, 31% more productive and 55% more creative.

Workplace malaise and stress are a direct hit to the company wallet. According to a study from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, more than half of all lost work days can be attributed to job-related stress and to psychosocial risks.  

In fact, absenteeism is a real expense that goes well beyond the residual costs related to sick leave. In a UK study, the researchers took into account replacement costs (recruitment, short-term contracts or overtime, time to train up, etc) but also the effort expected of other employees. The result of their calculations was that absenteeism caused by malaise and stress at the workplace costs £335 per employee each year.

By contributing to the companies team spirit, an employee's motivation and well-being at work are relevant answers to the current HR issues of a company.

A corporate health retreat will enhance the values ​​of your company and will reinforce your employees sense of belonging & wellbeing.

Investing in your employees well being today will be a profitable investment in the long term.

For all requests please contact us in order for us to prepare your personalized quotation.

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